When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Category Archives: How Can I Fix Problems?

Got Problems?

These posts help anyone who is struggling with or has struggled with a problem. from family issues to financial issues as well as others. Their ultimate purpose is to enable every reader to soar like an eagle above the storms in his or her life.

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bj rae invisible threats delete texts without opening

How can you protect yourself from invisible threats? When I was in the third grade, my teacher gave us an assignment to write about the biggest way that life would be different when we’re thirty years old. I wrote that Read more…

We can all learn something from the story of Georgie! Today I watched something interesting. Two dogs, who had previously been their own little pack, met Georgie in their own home. The pack members and this outsider walked in circles, Read more…

In the past, the weapons bad guys used to steal your money were gun and knives. Now, they use something different… My husband and I are looking for a small dog. Our fourteen year-old Morkie has lived past his 13-year Read more…

Why is our country the way it is right now, in such a state of insane disarray? More importantly, why don’t we fix things? I am over 50 years old and have kept a journal my entire life. In all Read more…

We all know what bullhead-itis is, even though it’s a word I coined myself last week! Recently we moved to a new home in a different town for medical reasons. Our older new neighbor across the street was very helpful Read more…

cancel anger bj rae encouragement

Anger has been causing riots, murders, and damage to public property. How can we cancel anger? Anger is a complex problem. People feel this emotion when they have unmet needs and expectations. No feeling is ever wrong, but how we Read more…

encouragement for all make life easier bj rae

Life can be easier in America! Here is one suggestion… Due to too much tension, life at the moment life is hard in many US cities. Rioters have physically destroyed businesses. They have also destroyed public property and some have Read more…

near a river wrong button bj rae bald eagle encouragement

What happened after I accidentally hit the wrong button? Read on to find out… Recently, a medical problem has forced me to practice on a keyboard upstairs in our home instead of enjoying the grand piano that lives downstairs in Read more…

Usually, in a private lesson, the teacher instructs the student. But, on this day,  another lesson happened first. A true story… The student entered the music studio, ready for her lesson. “How are you feeling today?” the teacher asked, knowing Read more…

near a river contagion bj rae bald eagle encouragement

What is the cause of the contagion that is taking over our country? On August 5, 2019, President Trump said in his address that the El Paso shooting was consumed by hate and is a part of an evil contagion. Read more…

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