When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Category Archives: How Can I Heal My Body?

You can become and stay healthy!

These articles in this category teach you how to become healthy and maintain your health. Articles include:

  • how to lose weight,
  • how not to lose weight,
  • and how to prevent illness.

Its purpose is to enable readers to be healthy and overcome life’s storms as an eagle does.

BJ’ s vision is insightful and motivating. Her vision brings you a successful and positive outlook on life. These articles will enable and inspire you to be healthy.

BJ writes to encourage others.  She promised her Grandma before she died that she would continue to spread her Grandma’s message of hope, faith, love, and encouragement. BJ hopes these articles encourage you to stay healthy!

Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.

A reason to smile…

Give yourself these gifts!

An ounce of prevention is worth…

What is the best resolution to make?

Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

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and Barnesandnoble.com.

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you care about today!

bobbie j rae bj rae meaning

Sometimes the words we use every day take on a new meaning. On September 5, 2019, I had major orthopedic surgery. Unfortunately, that particular area of my body suffered injury too soon after the surgery, and complex regional pain syndrome Read more…

Did you know you and your fellow citizens can help return life to normal?  Do what Japan does! On May 7, 2020, coronavirus claimed twenty-one lives in Japan. In the United States on the same day, many more died—2,129. The Read more…

Coronavirus differences bobbie j rae bj rae encouraging words encouragement

The coronavirus symptoms differ from any other virus. Do you know what these differences are?   You feel sick and you’re sneezing and coughing, and your temperature is a bit higher than normal. However, there are no coronavirus test centers Read more…

HANDLE EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH WITH GREAT CARE! It’s possible to contract coronavirus from something you purchase, a package, or piece of mail—especially an Amazon package. How can you minimize or eliminate this risk? This morning an Amazon package appeared by Read more…

Is it a myth or a fact? How much money will the US government send me? Should I wear glasses or contacts?  When there a crisis, myths abound. The coronavirus is no exception. Some are described in the photo above, Read more…

Have a health issue?  Look for a physician like Dr. Gotha! I was used to hospitals, buildings where a few nondescript art prints adorn the walls, where some of the staff smiled sometimes, and the food was always bland. But Read more…

shocking truth near a river bj rae encouragement

Recently I began shocking myself. Recently I began using a tens unit for pain. It happened to also have EMS current, or “Electrical Muscle Stimulation”. Previously unaware of what EMS does to the human body, I researched it and read Read more…

Usually, in a private lesson, the teacher instructs the student. But, on this day,  another lesson happened first. A true story… The student entered the music studio, ready for her lesson. “How are you feeling today?” the teacher asked, knowing Read more…

near a river pot story bj rae bald eagle

Although I don’t use drugs, I still have a pot story to share… Sometimes when my husband teases me publicly, I respond by calling him a “pothead”. In spite of the current tolerance for this drug, others within hearing range Read more…

My crystal ball predicts good health for me for the rest of my life.  Hopefully, yours will too! I don’t need to win a million dollars or have certain material things to be happy. Nor do I need to travel, Read more…

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Please help BJ raise funds for the charities she supports–cancer research, child abuse, domestic violence, and disaster victims.