When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

near a river encouragement arrest bj rae eagle

The word arrest has more than one meaning, but all three meanings apply to the US today. The word arrest has more than one meaning. One is to take someone into custody. Another is to stop or check a progress Read more…

The leaders of our government do not always play nice.  Here is one thing that would end the current shutdown and prevent future shutdowns. When I was a child, the rule for being in the company of other people was Read more…

near a river bj rae allegory encouraging words bald eagle

Disease can strike kind and loving people also. If a disease has affected you and you have been kind to others, this allegory does not apply to you. This post only applies to people who became ill and have been Read more…

near a river encouragement maple syrup bj rae eagle

Today is National maple syrup day.  I know how I will celebrate! I believe in celebrating life.  In my opinion, we should celebrate something every day of our lives.  And today the United States celebrates National Maple Syrup Day. Maple Read more…

Give yourself the best gift possible:  Let go of the monster in your life! Does Christmas make your home more miserable than it usually is? If you are trapped in a negative and emotionally harmful relationship, the holidays just amplify Read more…

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