When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Have a health issue?  Look for a physician like Dr. Gotha! I was used to hospitals, buildings where a few nondescript art prints adorn the walls, where some of the staff smiled sometimes, and the food was always bland. But Read more…

On a funeral bier, he lay… On a funeral bier he lay, and his death scarred everyone’s mind. It also destroyed their hopes and dreams and decimated their opportunities for bright futures. With him to his grave he took the Read more…

near a river wild dreams bj rae encouragement

Wild dreams don”t come true, you say? By the time you finish reading this post,  you might just change your mind. I sit in little rooms all day and imagine wild dreams, with the freedom of starving, of course.  And Read more…

shocking truth near a river bj rae encouragement

Recently I began shocking myself. Recently I began using a tens unit for pain. It happened to also have EMS current, or “Electrical Muscle Stimulation”. Previously unaware of what EMS does to the human body, I researched it and read Read more…

near a river brain worm bj rae encouragement

What is brain worm? How can we cure it? I live in the north part of the US., close to the Canadian border, Moose, bear, deer, and all manner of wildlife roam through our yard. We watch to make certain Read more…

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