When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Happy Anniversary! I hope you have a happy anniversary!  An anniversary is truly a special day. When I was younger, I thought that being in love meant passion, excitement, and romance.  Now I understand that real love is all three Read more…

near a river encouraging words for children stop a thief bj rae bald eagle

You can prevent a thief from getting your money! Before you do anything, please research it very carefully. Here is a truthful, unfortunate story to illustrate why you should do this. How it all started Shortly after I wrote my Read more…

near a river encouragement for children focus bj rae bald eagle

Ways you can improve your focus and be more successful at anything! When you get distracted, do you struggle to focus and remember things?  I do.  As we get older, this often gets worse. I have found that these strategies Read more…

Four ways you can keep your brain in “grow mode”! Hello.  This is your brain again, giving you another important message. How I function can decline as you get older, affecting your memory, ability to focus, processing speed, and concentration.  Read more…

A simple way to eclipse the negativity from your life! Do you have negative people in your life whom you cannot avoid?  If you do, this post is for you! Early this morning I walked with my friend Wendy like Read more…

An important message that everyone should read! Hello.  This is your brain.  I must  give you an important message. There are some things you do that hurt me, that make it more difficult for me to function.  Then you get Read more…

What are the best ways to keep your memory sharp? As my husband and I get older, our brains slow down.  This is normal and does not mean that we are on the path to Alzheimer’s.  It just means we Read more…

Ways you can save more money! Do you want to save more money? A few days ago, I wrote the article “Got Bills?”.  It explained how to reduce expenses and save money, from medical bills to insurance to online shopping Read more…

Five ways you can reduce bills, from medical to heating bills. Do you have bills and want to save some money?  Of course you do. Here are some ways you can save money. Grants that pay for children’s health care. Read more…

When you die, others will remember you as you treated them. Do you want to be remembered well? Today I attended a friend’s funeral service.  There was no tension or bad feelings and the mood was peaceful, loving, and gentle.  Read more…

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